- Please install the I LOCK IT app on your smartphone
- All permissions on Android devices must be confirmed for functionality
- Please note: All Android Smartphones devices must have Google services installed!
- The App will choose the language depending on your Smartphone Settings. The supported languages are German and English
Create your I LOCK IT Account
- Important: Your Login data from the I LOCK IT shop cannot be used to log into the I LOCK IT app
- You can create the account for the I LOCK IT app under “Register”
- Please confirm the registration e-mail, if it is not there, please also check your spam folder
- Now you can log into the I LOCK IT app
- Please use the "Reset Password" Button if you forgot your password
To use your I LOCK IT, the registration and login in the I LOCK IT app is required. This connects your I LOCK IT app to the live tracking service (only with I LOCK IT GPS) in the event of theft.
➔Video Tutorial - Registration
Connect your Smartphone
- Please follow the instructions in the App
➔Video Tutorial - how to connect your Smartphone
Personal Color Code
- The personal color code is chosen during the initial setup
- I LOCK IT app → Menu → Settings → My I LOCK IT → Personal color code
The color code is your "emergency key" if you need to access your I LOCK IT without a key fob or phone (e.g. if you lose your phone, or the battery died). Please keep it safe.
Only with I LOCK IT GPS the color code can be restored from our server after a new log in in the app.
- The color code can only be entered when the I LOCK IT is closed and there is no Bluetooth connection to the smartphone or key fob
- Press the button, the colors change from green → blue → red → white (older models only up to red) stop at the relevant point and select the next color
- If the entry is incorrect, the button on the I LOCK IT flashes red 3 times
- If the code is entered incorrectly 3 times, the I LOCK IT will be locked for 5 minutes
➔Video Tutorial - Enter Color Code